How to thrive in a fast-paced world

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In April 2021 one of my longest-held dreams came true: I became a published author!

In the two years since it’s been out in the worldBurnt Out: the exhausted person’s 6 step guide to thriving in a fast-paced world’ has been translated into multiple languages, it’s been featured in the Evening Standard, the Telegraph, Sunday Times Style, BBC and more and I’ve been invited to give talks all over the world, from Google to HSBC, to Soho House and the Cheltenham Literary Festival, to talk about burnout and why I believe that learning how to manage your energy is the key to breaking free from burnout and learning how to thrive in our fast-paced digital world.

But most important of all, I have had the joy of seeing the book and the audiobook genuinely help people who are feeling burnt out, exhausted and frazzled, realise that it’s not just them, that burnout is a huge global problem in the workplace AND that we CAN do something about it. As much as it is a book, Burnt Out is a guide that helps you to break free from burnout, reclaim your energy and design your day so that you thrive, at work and at home.

This episode was recorded as part of my book launch and is a very special one for me because I was interviewed by my co-host Vicki Pavitt for our Project Love podcast 😍

Here is what Vicki wrote as an intro to the episode:

“If you’re feeling frazzled, exhausted and burnt out right now then THIS is the book that will love you into recovery and get you onto the path to thriving. 

And fast!

Selina supported me on my own journey from burnt out to thriving and it was utterly transformational! And now with this book, you can go on your own journey of burnt out to thriving too 💃🏻 💃🏻 💃🏻 

Each chapter of this book is like sitting down for a 1:1 session with Selina - packed full of so much wisdom, insight and encouragement and so much love and joy too! 

One of the many (many!) things that I loved about ‘Burnt Out’ is it’s radical message (reclaim your energy, reclaim your life) and also it’s radical SIMPLICITY too. It is so deeply practical and full to the brim with powerful coaching tools and techniques that you can start implementing straight away. It is genius!

🎉And so to celebrate the arrival of Selina’s book, she joins me on the podcast as my very special guest! 🎤

In this episode we talk about:

  • Why so many of us are burning out and how COVID has had many of us emotionally burning out this past year

  • What the Burnout Archetypes are (and how to identify what yours is)

  • Why we need to learn to manage our energy Olympic athlete style

  • How even if you love what you do you can end up burnt out

  • And how Selina helped me break free from burn out as she wrote the book

I cannot wait for you to hear this episode and finally get your hands on the book or audiobook! 

Lots of love, 

Vicki x”


It’s not supposed to be this way


Time for the first quarterly check-in of 2023!