It’s not supposed to be this way

After fourteen years of working as a  career and life design coach , helping people break free from careers, jobs and ways of working that make them miserable, there is one thing I have become more and more convinced of:

We are NOT supposed to spend our lives feeling miserable and stressed out in jobs that suck the lives out of us, that stress us to the point of burnout or bore us to the point of numbness.

As human beings we are designed to thrive.

Our bodies and are brains are literally made for it.

The problem is, after thousands of years of master and servant systems, most of us have been programmed to believe that we are born to serve, to obey and to look after the needs of others.

Just writing that makes me want to🤮

But that is the truth of it.

Most of us are hardwired to believe that work should be hard and stressful. That it can’t be something we really love and enjoy doing because, well, it’s work.

So we hustle, we over-do it, we let work consume us, we accept it when it keeps us stressed out and unhappy and even choose work that does NOT play to our strengths because playing to our strengths would feel ‘too easy' to be called work 🤯

And that is why I am so passionate about  the work that I do  and why I honestly believe I will be coaching people until the day I die.

Because there is nothing I love more than helping people unpack those limiting beliefs about work and what is possible, understand where they come from and finally let them go so that they are then free to create a career and a life that they really want to be living. One that has them doing the things that make come alive and working in a way that has them thriving.

And I’m excited to announce that I am opening up a handful of spots on my  Personal Coaching programme  with start dates ranging from April to August.

So, if you are ready to quit the daily grind and finally create a career and life for yourself that you love and you'd love my help in helping you make that happen, then fill in the application form over  here  and you and I could be having a discovery call as early as next week!

And in a few months time you could be writing things like this as you come to the end of your Coaching journey with me...

If you want to see real results, talk to Selina! I knew I wanted a new career but I felt insecure and had no idea how to go about it. By the end of the programme I not only got my business started, I even have my first paying client! If you’re considering signing up, do it. You will get what you hope for and more.”

Etty Antian, New York

“Selina is the key who unlocked my potential. I was always too afraid to leave my 9-5 but once I knew I needed to take that leap of faith, Selina supported me throughout the process providing practical steps to ensure I stuck to my word. I can’t recommend her coaching highly enough”

Laura Leon, Music Manager, London

"Selina has the amazing ability to distill confusion and bring clarity to the table. She cuts out the noise, providing you with the space you need to re-align with your values and true purpose.

Time with Selina is true gold-dust. You owe it to yourself"

Sarah Dembitz, Executive Director, UN Women

I honestly love nothing more than helping people get unstuck, cut through the confusion and get clear on what life they really want to be living. And fourteen years after I began this work, it still blows my mind to see how much change people can make happen in their lives and how much people can come alive and flourish in just a few months.

It doesn't matter how stuck feel you are, if you are determined to bring about change in your life and ready to take action, then you'll see just how quickly that change can happen when you have a coach by your side!

>> Apply to my 3 month Coaching programme  here 

I can't wait to hear from you!

x Selina




How far down your list of priorities are YOU?


How to thrive in a fast-paced world